Easy Access from Narita and Haneda Airport
The nearest JR Station (Shinagawa) is 17 minutes from Haneda Airport and 68 minutes from Narita Airport.
Shinagawa Station Terminal
Shinagawa Station is one of the largest railway terminals in Tokyo, providing access to 47 train lines including the Tokaido Shinkansen, JR and Keikyu lines, and the subway. This convenience makes it an invaluable resource for the travelers who want to do and see as much as they can. Additionally it provides direct access to popular shopping and sightseeing destinations including Shibuya, Harajuku, Shinjuku, Ikebukuro, Ginza, Akihabara, Ueno, Asakusa, Tokyo Sky Tree, Tokyo Tower, Tokyo Disneyland, Yokohama, and more!
2 minutes by foot from the nearest station and 12 minutes by foot from JR/Keikyu Shinagawa Station
Guest House Shinagawa-shuku is located 2 minutes walking distance from Keikyu Kita-shinagawa Station and 12 minutes walking distance from JR/Keikyu Shinagawa Station.
SHINAGAWA SHUKU GUEST HOUSEは、京急北品川駅から徒歩2分、品川駅から徒歩12分にあります。
12 Minutes Walking Distance from JR/Keikyu Shinagawa StationJR・京急「品川」駅から徒歩12分
Shinagawa Station, the convenient access point for shinkansen bullet trains and Haneda Airport, is located 12 minutes by foot from the guest house.
Accessing Shinagawa Station from Other Major Terminals
Tokyo Station 8 minutes via JR Yamanote Line
Haneda Airport 17 minutes via Keikyu Airport Express
Narita Airport 68 minutes via JR Narita Express
- 東京駅から … JR山手線で8分。
- 羽田空港から … 京浜急行エアポート快特で16分。
- 成田空港から … JR成田エクスプレスで90分。
- 改札をでたら、高輪口(西口)から階段を降りて下さい。
- ロータリーを左へ。そのまま左手に進み、大きな通りを線路沿いに。
- 最初の交差点を、横断歩道を渡ってから左に曲がって橋を渡る。
※必ず横断歩道を渡ってから橋を渡ってください。 - 橋を越えたら踏切が2つ見えてきます。右手奥に見える踏切を渡ってください。
※ここが東海道品川宿の入り口です。 - あとはそのまままっすぐ。ファミリーマートの二軒隣にゲストハウス品川宿があります。
Keikyu Kita-Shinagawa Station → Guest House (2 minutes)京急「北品川」駅から徒歩2分
Exit the turnstile and turn left. (There is only one.)
At the first corner, turn left, and cross the train tracks. Turn right and continue walking. Shinagawa-shuku’s green sign will soon come into view. The guest hosue is two doors past the FamilyMart on the left side of the street.
15 minutes by foot from Rinkai/Monorail Line Tennozu Isle Station (Access to Odaiba, Tokyo Disney Resort)りんかい線・東京モノレール「天王洲アイル」駅から徒歩15分
The guest house is located 15 minutes walking distance from Tennozu Isle Station. Odaiba is one stop, and Kokusai Tenjijo (home of the Tokyo Big Sight convention center) is two stops away on the Rinkai Line. Maihama Station, home of Tokyo Disneyland and Disney Sea, is 21 minutes away via the Rinkai Line.
Rinkai Line Tennozu Isle Station → Guest House (15 minutes)
- Exit the station via Exit B and turn left.
- Turn left at the Tennozu Isle (天王洲アイル) intersection with the highway running over it.
- Go straight past the highway and cross the bridge.
- Turn right at the third traffic light. (東海道北品川: Tokaido Shinagawa)
- Now you are on a road which is colored and has street lights. Go straight for 5 minutes and keep your eyes open for our green sign. We are on the right side of the street. If you reach the FamilyMart, go back a bit – you’ve walked right past us!
- B出口を出て左にすすみます。
- 「天王洲アイル」の交差点(上に高速道路が通っています)を左折。
- 高速道路から遠ざかるように直進し、橋を渡ります。
- そのまま直進し、3つ目の信号「東海道北品川」の交差点で右折。
- 道路の色が代わり、行灯型街路灯が目印の旧東海道に出たら5分程度直進すれば右側に見えてきます。
Where you’ll be住所・地図
1-22-16 Kita-shinagawa Shinagawa-ku Tokyo 140-0001, JAPAN
TEL.+81-3-6712-9440 FAX.+81-3-6712-9443
〒140-0001 東京都品川区北品川1-22-16 TEL.03-6712-9440 FAX.03-6712-9443